最新街机模拟器MAME 0.192 具体内容一览
街机cn 来源:厂商 发表于:2019-05-09最新街机模拟器MAME 0.192 发布下载
街机模拟器MAME 0.192下载地址(含BIOS,Devices):
MAME 0.192 备用下载地址
赤刃 雅佳武士刀 Akai Katana (2010/ 8/13 MASTER VER.) [Bicycle Repairman]
太平洋8号 PacEight [rod_wod, The Dumping Union]
Player's Edge Plus (PS0239) Jackpot Jewels Slots [Brian Troha]
大笑话 The Big Joke (Version 0.00) [Coolmod, The Dumping Union]
99最后一战盗版 '99: The Last War (bootleg) [ShouTime]
战斗任务16B版 Action Fighter (System 16B, unprotected, analog controls) [David Haywood]
战斗任务无保护版 Action Fighter (unprotected) [David Haywood]
战斗任务模拟控制 版 Action Fighter (unprotected, analog controls) [David Haywood]
南拳北腿工程版 Battlecry (Prototyp)
[ShouTime, progettoSNAPS, Patrick Wheeler, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Paul Vining, Marisol Nunez Serrano, Rod_Wod, Jeffrey Gray, John Wilke, gamerfan, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
南拳北腿C版 Battlecry (Version C)
[ShouTime, progettoSNAPS, Patrick Wheeler, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Paul Vining, Marisol Nunez Serrano, Rod_Wod, Jeffrey Gray, John Wilke, gamerfan, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
宇宙野兔AA版 Bucky O'Hare (ver AA) [Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Codimex CD6809 [Felipe Sanches]
争先拉力赛车意大利版 Grudge Match (V00.90, Italy, location test?) [Vernimark, f205v]
武装飞鸟2二版 Gunbird 2 (set 2) [Hyid Choi]
赛车精灵N Head On N [ShouTime, Andrew Welburn, Rob Carr, Paul Vining, InsertMoreCoins, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
凯普洛10号 Kaypro 10 1983 [rfka01]
Otrona Attache 8:16 [Al Kossow]
Prologica CP400 Color II [Felipe Sanches]
Prologica CP500 (PVIII REV.3) [Felipe Sanches]
The 26th Z [ShouTime, Paul Vining, The Dumping Union]
雷龙3 Thunder Dragon 3 (bootleg of Thunder Dragon 2) [ShouTime]
Troopy (bootleg of Mr. Kougar) [MikeMcBike]
mame0.192新模拟街机游戏 Machines promoted to working
天命神童 ACI Destiny Prodigy [Edstrom]
Cromenco MCB216 [Robbbert]
花 Flower (US) [Angelo Salese]
Mephisto RISC 1MB [CBEmu, RolandLangfeld, Sandro Ronco]
乒乓之王 Ping Pong King [Angelo Salese]
时间攻击者 Time Attacker [Angelo Salese]
Clones promoted to working
Cromenco CB308 [Robbbert]
Flower (Japan) [Angelo Salese]
Mephisto RISC II [CBEmu, RolandLangfeld, Sandro Ronco]
Add Arbor Ambassador [Robbbert]
ADDS Viewpoint 122 [Robbbert]
ADDS Viewpoint 60 [Robbbert]
Altos II Terminal [Robbbert]
Ampex Dialogue 80 [Robbbert]
AT&T 630 MTG [Robbbert]
C.Itoh CIT220+ Video Terminal [Robbbert]
Convergent Mightyframe [Robbbert]
Data General Dasher D461 [Robbbert]
DEC VT240 [Robbbert]
DISER Lilith [Robbbert]
Golgo 13: Juusei no Chinkonka (Japan, GLT1 VER.A) [Guru]
Hazeltine Esprit [Robbbert]
HP 2100 [Robbbert]
HP2622A [Robbbert]
HP700/92 [Robbbert]
InterPro 2000 [Patrick Mackinlay]
InterPro 2400 [Patrick Mackinlay]
InterPro 2500 [Patrick Mackinlay]
InterPro 2700 [Patrick Mackinlay]
Kaypro 1 [rfka01]
Kaypro 2/84 [rfka01]
Kaypro 4x [rfka01]
LSI M3 [Robbbert]
MicroTerm 420 [Robbbert]
MicroTerm 5510 [Robbbert]
Milwaukee Computers MC1200 [Robbbert]
Motorola AMPS Car Phone [Robbbert]
Motorola Powerstack II [Robbbert]
Mushiking The King Of Beetles Mushiking IV / V / VI (World) [Darksoft, f205v, MetalliC, rtw]
Onyx C5000 [Robbbert]
Qume QVT102 [Robbbert]
Qume QVT103 [Robbbert]
Qume QVT190 [Robbbert]
Qume QVT201 [Robbbert]
Qume QVT70 [Robbbert]
Relisys TR175II [Robbbert]
Solbourne Series 5E Computer Workstation [Robbbert]
Sony PlayStation 2 [Robbbert]
Televideo TS3000 [Robbbert]
Televideo TVI912C [Robbbert]
Televideo TVI955 [Robbbert]
Televideo TVI965 [Robbbert]
Terco 4490 Mill CNC Control [Edstrom]
Three Rivers PERQ 1A [Robbbert]
TRS80 DT1 [Robbbert]
Vectrix VX384 Graphics Processor Terminal [Robbbert]
Visual 100 [Robbbert]
Visual 102 [Robbbert]
Wyse WY50 [Robbbert]
Xerox Alto I [Robbbert]
Zentec Zephyr [Robbbert]
Ziatech ZT8802 SBC [Robbbert]
unknown ACD computer [Robbbert]
unknown TTI SCSI host adapter [Robbbert]
Action Fighter (FD1089A 317unknown, analog controls) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (FD1089A 317unknown) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089A 317unknown, analog controls) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089A 317unknown, set 1) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089A 317unknown, set 2) [David Haywood]
Commodore PC 40III [rfka01]
Compaq Portable III [rfka01]
Gran Trak 10/Trak 10/Formula K (older) [TTL] [Ed Fries, Tim Giddens, Andy Welburn]
Hazeltine Esprit III [Robbbert]
Kaypro 4/84 plus88 [rfka01]
Kaypro New 2 [rfka01]
Landing High Japan (Ver 2.02 O) [ShouTime]
Martial Masters (ver. 102, 101, 101TW) [skate323k137, The Dumping Union]
Sanyo MBC28 [rfka01]
Siemens PCD2 [rfka01]
Wyse WY150 [Robbbert]
Wyse WY160 [Robbbert]
Wyse WY30+ [Robbbert]
Wyse WY55 [Robbbert]
Wyse WY60 [Robbbert]
Wyse WY85 [Robbbert]
00525: [Speed] (metro.cpp) bangball: When you finish a level, sometimes the game runs like slowmotion. (Angelo Salese)
02084: [DIP/Input] (saturn.cpp) sokyugrt: Emulation starts with 1 or more credits inserted. (Angelo Salese)
03719: [Graphics] (meritm.cpp) magat5, megat6, megat3, megat4 and clones: "Run21" missing graphics for blacksuited cards. (AJR)
03804: [Color/Palette] (ssozumo.cpp) ssozumo: Wrong colors in the title screen. (Angelo Salese)
03805: [Color/Palette] (lasso.cpp) wwjgtin, photof: Wrong colors. (Angelo Salese)
04366: [DIP/Input] (saturn.cpp) shanhigw: The game starts with 2 credits inserted. (Angelo Salese)
04651: [Misc.] (gei.cpp) geimulti: Thirteen game ROMs are loaded, only nine are listed ingame and playable. (Osso)
05761: [Crash/Freeze] (dwarfd.cpp) All sets in dwarfd.c: [debug] Assert shortly after start. (AJR)
06193: [Speed] (shanghai.cpp) shanghai, shangha2 and clones: When playing, the gameplay and sound are very fast. (Angelo Salese)
06518: [Graphics] (metro.cpp) blzntrnd: Sprite layer disappears entirely after completing singleplayer game. (Angelo Salese)
06527: [Sound] (taitosj.cpp) elevator: Elevator Action sound balance is incorrect. (hap)
06694: [Sound] (midtunit.cpp) mk: Missing music. (hap)
06735: [Original Reference] (einstein.cpp) einstei2: Cursor not visible in 80column B/W screen! (Dirk Best)
06736: [Original Reference] (einstein.cpp) einstei2: Character set selection (M004) in 80column B/W screen! (Dirk Best)
06742: [Graphics] (pacland.cpp) pacland and clones: Sprite priority problem in invincible state. (hap)
06745: [Crash/Freeze] (marinedt.cpp) marinedt: MAME crashes when starting game. (Angelo Salese)
06747: [Media Support] (einstein.cpp) einstein: Formatting on doubledensity drive fails! (Dirk Best)
06749: [Graphics] (toaplan1.cpp) outzonecv: Screen is misaligned 16 pixels to the left. (hap)
06754: [Color/Palette] (zx.cpp) ts1000: Timex Sinclair 1000 screen displays black on cyan (should be black on white). (star2root)
06755: [Core] (zx.cpp) ts1000: The Timex Sinclair 1000 emulation only has the option of having 2k of RAM. (star2root)
06759: [DIP/Input] (seta.cpp) calibr50: Speed difference when rotating player. (AJR)
06766: [Sound] (spacefb.cpp) spacefb and clones: DAC sounds not working 100%. (Tafoid)
06771: [Compiling] (coco12.cpp) coco3, dragon, etc.: Genie fails to detect nested dependency of coco_t4426 on mc14411. (hap)
06772: [Gameplay] (dragon.cpp) Dragon machines run too fast! (hap)
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