MAME 0.189 发布下载
- 类别:模拟器
- 时间:2019-07-22
- 大小:1 Bytes
- 平台:安卓/win
MAME 0 189 发布下载街机模拟器MAME 0 189下载地址(含BIOS,Devices):http: yun baidu com s 1c152vja街机模拟器MAME 0 189备用下载
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MAME 0.189 发布下载
街机模拟器MAME 0.189下载地址(含BIOS,Devices):http://yun.baidu.com/s/1c152vja
街机模拟器MAME 0.189备用下载地址
China Education Computer I [R. Belmont, Jorma Honkanen]
Double Dribble (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Garfield (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Kick Ball [Darksoft, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, David Haywood, AJR]
Kontron PSI98 [Dirk Best, rfka01]
NFL Football (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Poosho Poosho [caius, Brian Troha, Smitdogg, Ryan Holtz, rtw, The Dumping Union]
Tekken Battle Scratch [ShouTime, Jan Stuhler, pablopelos, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
The Adventures of Bayou Billy (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
unknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game [Roberto Fresca, Arzeno Fabrice, David Haywood]
1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, no protection hack) [Bryan McPhail]
Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 2) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen]
B.Rap Boys Special (World) [Phill @NES4Life]
Carrier Air Wing (USA 901130) [mastercello]
Crash Road (bootleg of Space Chaser) [Ed Cross]
Crazy Climber (US set 2) [John at johnsarcade]
Crime Fighters 2 (Japan, 4 Players, ver. N) [Guy B]
Cool Minigame Collection (Italy) [Hammy]
Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M82) [Hammy, Jon H, The Dumping Union]
DoDonPachi III (World, 2002.05.15 Master Ver) [neohyphengeo productions]
Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2) [The Dumping Union / Team Recreativas, AJR]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 12 [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Mega Zone (program code L) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Mephisto Nigel Short [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Polgar 10MHz [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Portorose 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Portorose 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Ordyne (World) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Popeye (Japan, Sky Skipper hardware, Older) [Justin Rudebaugh]
Port Man (Japan) [ShouTime]
Street Fighter (World) (protected) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Quicken, bootleg) [Moffitt]
Super Athena (bootleg) [Hammy]
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/01/18 18:29:18 CHASE 3 VER 1.30, prototype) [Trol]
Vamf x1/2 (Europe, version 1.0.0903) [Rod_Wod, TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
WWF Superstars (US revision 6) [Bryan McPhail]
mame0.189新模拟街机游戏 Machines promoted to working
Football Power [MetalliC]
Mephisto Academy [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Almeria 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Almeria 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Berlin Pro 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Genius 68030 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Polgar [Sandro Ronco]
Night Gal Summer [BET] (Japan 850702 NGS 0-01) [Angelo Salese]
TH Strikes Back [David Haywood, Kevin Eshbach]
Clones promoted to working
Forty-Love (Japan) [ShouTime, Angelo Salese]
BBC Master Turbo [Nigel Barnes]
International Toote II (v1.24, P387.V01) [Gerald (COY)]
Mephisto Berlin Pro London Upgrade [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Genius 68030 London Upgrade [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto London 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Lyon 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Lyon 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Vancouver 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Vancouver 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Virtua Bowling (Hong Kong, V101HJS) [Abelardator2, Luca Elia]
AT&T Teletype 4425 [shattered]
Access Virus A [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus B (Ver. T) [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus C [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Classic [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Rack XL [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Rack [R. Belmont, absence]
Altos 8600 [Carl, Al Kossow]
ControlID X628 fingerprint reader [Felipe Sanches]
GameCube (Japan) [Dirk Best]
Honey Pot (03J00241, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Konnano Hajimete! (Japan) [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Kurzweil K2000 [R. Belmont]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 3) [Kevin Horton]
Machinedrum MK2 [R. Belmont, absence]
Magic Reels [TeamEurope]
Mannesmann Kienzle System 9002 Terminal [Miodrag Milanovic]
Mephisto RISC 1MB [Sandro Ronco]
Monomachine SFX6 MK2 [R. Belmont, absence]
Nurete Mitaino... - Net Idol Hen [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Sengoku Mahjong Kurenai Otome-tai [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Sexy Gal Tropical [BET] (Japan 850805 SXG T-02) [ShouTime, Angelo Salese]
Super Game (Sega Master System Multi-game bootleg) (alt games) [TeamEurope]
Venice (02J02056, Venezuela) [Heihachi_73]
Derby Owners Club World Edition (Rev B) [f205v, ShouTime]
Dirt Devils (Japan, Revision A) [ShouTime]
Econet X25 Gateway [Nigel Barnes]
GameCube (Brazil) [Dirk Best]
GameCube (EUR) [Dirk Best]
GameCube (USA) [Dirk Best]
Goldeneye (4.02) [Gore Daimon, Sergio Munemori]
Henson CFA 3000 [Nigel Barnes]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (French) [Kevin Horton]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 1) [Kevin Horton]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 2) [Kevin Horton]
Mephisto RISC II [Sandro Ronco]
Print Club (World) [David Haywood]
Trigger Heart Exelica (Japan) (GDL-0036) [rtw, ShouTime]
Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Version B) (GDS-0024C) [rtw, ShouTime, f205v, Darksoft]
Spiel Master (German) [TeamEurope, Kevin Horton]
Star Wars (1.06, Display S1.05) [Jubex77, JMan, Gore Daimon]
- 00470: [DIP/Input] (seattle.cpp) hyprdriv: Despite successful calibration the brake button doesn't function. (Ted Green)
- 00975: [DIP/Input] (seattle.cpp) calspeed: Even if you choose manual gear your car has automatic gear. (Ted Green)
- 01005: [Sound] (shangkid.cpp) shangkid: In the later levels, sound starts to get really screwy. (AJR)
- 01991: [Crash/Freeze] (vegas.cpp) gauntleg: Game randomly freezes. (Ted Green)
- 04024: [Graphics] (toaplan2.cpp) ghox: Missing background for hi-score screen. (Caps0f)
- 04872: [Graphics] (labyrunr.cpp) tricktrp: Graphic priority issue. (Angelo Salese)
- 05277: [Documentation] (cps1.cpp) sf2accp2: Installation instructions and DIP settings for SF2CE (Accelerator Pt.II) hack.
- 05608: [DIP/Input] (royalmah.cpp) mjifb, mjifb2, mjifb3: DIP Settings. (kamilz)
- 05788: [DIP/Input] (dbz.cpp) dbz: English language is not displayed. (ryuhabayusa)
- 05945: [DIP/Input] (pacman.cpp) pengojpm, pengopac: Info about dip switches. (Fortuna)
- 06259: [Graphics] (combatsc.cpp) combatsc, combascj, combasct, bootcamp, bootcampa: Wrong priority in the drill instructor screen.
(Angelo Salese)
- 06636: [Graphics] (seattle.cpp) calspeed: Triangles flicker in calspeed. (Ted Green)
- 06639: [Crash/Freeze] (coco3.cpp) coco3, coco3h: Crash of emulated system accessing multiple floppy drives. (Dirk Best)
- 06640: [Core] (coco3.cpp) coco3, coco3h: TRS-80 Color Computer FDC data corruption issue. (Dirk Best)
- 06641: [Color/Palette] (pce.cpp) pce [sonson2]: Black & White mode doesn't work properly. (Angelo Salese)
- 06644: [Gameplay] (segae.cpp) tetrisse: Unable to play 2 Player mode. (David Haywood)
- 06645: [Sound] (ninjakd2.cpp) ninjakd2, ninjakd2c, jt104, rdaction: Missing sound. (AJR)
- 06649: [Interface] ng_cthd_prot: Wrong name (Neo Goe instead of Neo Geo). (Robbbert)
- 06657: [Interface] (c64.cpp) c64: Selecting a slot to fill for "EXP" causes Fatal Error. (Nathan Woods)
- 06659: [Documentation] (model3.cpp) swtrilgy, swtrilgya: " Arcade " is necessary in the title of this game. (J.J.Boy)
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