- 类别:模拟器
- 时间:2019-07-22
- 大小:1 Bytes
- 平台:安卓/win
最新街机模拟器mame0 181发布鲛鲛鲛等街机游戏声音完美模拟mame0 181最新街机模拟器下载地址http: yun baidu com s 1c152vjamame0 181最新
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mame0.181最新街机模拟器下载地址 备用
Eeekk! [Andrew Welburn, Craig Anstett, smf]
Intel iSBC 286/10 [Al Kossow]
Intel iSBC 286/12 [Al Kossow]
Miss World 2002 [NeoGeo de Ahuizotla, Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
Player's Edge Plus (XMP00011) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2298) [BrianT]
Power Flipper Pinball Shooting v1.33 [Jorge Silva]
Quiz Kid Racer [hap, Sean Riddle]
Steering Champ (GQ710 VER. UAA) [Bill D. / The Dumping Union, crzmx, smf]
Tokio / Scramble Formation (newer) [ShouTime, brizzo, David Haywood]
Fidelity Designer 2000 Display [yovan]
Flicky (128k Version, 315-5051, larger roms) [system11]
Golden Crown Hopper [Gerald COY]
Mahjong Clinic (Japan, set 2) [system11]
Momoko 120% (English text) [Paul Hogger]
Multi Wars (bootleg of UniWar S) [Paul Hogger]
Raiden (Korea, bootleg) [Tirino73]
Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Korean release) [Brian Hargrove]
鲛鲛鲛单人版 Same! Same! Same! (1P set, NEW VER! hack) [CAPS0ff, trap15]
Side by Side 2 Evoluzione RR (Ver 3.1 J) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
愤怒的鹦鹉 Simpson Junior (bootleg of J. J. Squawkers) [NeoGeo de Ahuizotla, Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
Space Dungeon (larger roms) [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]
Super Visual Football: European Sega Cup (original rev) [Gerald COY]
The NewZealand Story (World, old version) (older PCB) [Porchy, The Dumping Union]
Tokio / Scramble Formation (older) [ShouTime, brizzo, David Haywood]
Tokio / Scramble Formation (US) [ShouTime, brizzo, David Haywood]
Turbo Force (US) [dos_]
VTech Laser Turbo XT [Miodrag Milanovic]
VTech Laser XT/3 [Miodrag Milanovic]
Machines promoted to working
ACT Apricot PC [Dirk Best]
ACT Apricot Xi [Dirk Best]
K28: Talking Learning Computer (model 7-230) [O. Galibert]
Mattel Funtronics Jacks [hap, Sean Riddle]
Mattel Funtronics Red Light Green Light [hap, Sean Riddle]
Clones promoted to working
Space Invader (Entex, COP444L version)
Apple Laser Writer II NT [Lord Nightmare, Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Back To the Future (2.8) [PinMAME]
Dulmont Magnum [Carl, Dave Jones]
Ensoniq SQ-2 [R. Belmont, Guru]
Force SYS68K/CPU-20 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Knights of Valour 3 HD (V105) [XingXing]
Monday Night Football (2.9, 50cts) [PinMAME]
Multistar 3 [Heihachi_73]
Royal Ascot II [Gerald COY, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Knights of Valour 3 HD (V101) [XingXing]
Knights of Valour 3 HD (V102) [XingXing]
Knights of Valour 3 HD (V103) [XingXing]
Knights of Valour 3 HD (V104) [XingXing]
Lost in Space (1.01 France) [PinMAME]
Sega Rally Championship - DX (original rev) [Gerald COY]
Terco 4426 CNC Programming station
Top Skater (USA) [Gerald COY]
Toshiba T1000 [shattered]
Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Step 1.5) [Gerald COY]
X-Files (3.03 France) [PinMAME]
New WORKING software list additions
apricot_flop.xml: Demonstration Pictures, MS-DOS 2.11 BIOS VR2.7, MS-DOS 2.11 BIOS VR3.1, QUEST - The Adventure [Dirk Best]
Translations added or modified
Catalan [Jordi Mallach]
- 00101: [Misc.] (kaneko16.cpp) berlwallt, berlwallk: an error message "Copy Board" pops up. (Angelo Salese)
- 02855: [DIP/Input] (hanaawas.cpp) hanaawas: Credits dip switch does not work (Angelo Salese)
- 04796: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (m58.cpp) 10yard and clones: Flip Screen/Cocktail Mode offset (Robbbert)
- 04921: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (fcrash.cpp) fcrash: Game sprites not flipped when Flip Screen is ON (Robbbert)
- 04922: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (finalizr.cpp) All sets in finalizr.c: Ships and scores should both be on top when screen is Flipped
- 05006: [Graphics] (gb.cpp) gameboy [f1race]: Corrupted graphics (racetrack not lined up) (Wilbert Pol)
- 06338: [DIP/Input] (mz2000.cpp) mz2000, mz2200: Mistakes in current keyboard matrix emulation and missing keys ! (AJR)
- 06440: [Gameplay] (segag80r.cpp) Most/all sets in segag80r.cpp: game resets itself during play (smf)
- 06449: [Color/Palette] (8080bw.cpp) sicv, sicv1, invadpt2, invadpt2br, moonbase, moonbasea: In a 2-player game, colors don't
change at certain areas of the screen for each player's turn. (Robbbert)
- 06450: [Color/Palette] (astinvad.cpp) spcking2: Incorrect colors at certain areas of the screen. (Robbbert)
- 06451: [DIP/Input] (ccastles.cpp) All sets in ccastles.cpp: Map Button 2 to start a 2-player game in upright mode. (Tafoid)
- 06452: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (phoenix.cpp) phoenix: Cocktail Mode displays incorrectly (Robbbert)
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