- 类别:模拟器
- 时间:2019-07-22
- 大小:1 Bytes
- 平台:安卓/win
MAME 0 182 发布街机模拟器MAME 0 182下载地址(含BIOS,Devices):http: yun baidu com s 1c152vjamame0 182新模拟街机游戏----------
说明: 安全下载是直接下载应用市场,用户下载后可自行搜索目标软件进行更高速,更安全的下载。
MAME 0.182 发布
街机模拟器MAME 0.182下载地址(含BIOS,Devices):http://yun.baidu.com/s/1c152vja
Conic Electronic Basktetball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Conic Multisport/Tandy Sports Arena [hap, Sean Riddle]
Enma Daio (Japan) [rtw, Ryan Holtz, Dullaron, Firebricks, redk9258, W. Perez, Anonymous from Switzerland, Darksoft, Smitdogg,
David Haywood, ShouTime, Andy Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Gakken Galaxy Invader 1000/Tandy Cosmic 1000 Fire Away [hap, Sean Riddle, Kevin Horton]
Hangzo (Japan, prototype)
[ShouTime, Smitdogg, David Haywood, Imhotep, Ryan Holtz, hap, Zhivko Dimitrov, spogghi, ANY, Arjen Hoekman, Arcade Addict, krick,
Dullaron, Eddie, f205v, rtw, Rod_Wod, Fabien Marsaud, InsertMoreCoins, Jan Stuhler, trap15, Macaw, Team Japump, Brandon Munger,
Juan Manuel Gutierrez, abelardator2, Jordi Bosch Creus, haynor666, Nestor Acebo Jimenez, Carl Perry, Jeremy McElroy,
Steven Boswell, JJaVMeTaL, Steven LeMaire, Matthew Shultz, Mark Riley has no toaster, Carlos Gutierrez, Bjorn Stahl,
Aldo Vittorio De Luca, Bruno Celsi, Philip Zumbrun, cornishdavey, Stefano De Dionigi, motoschifo, Mamesick, Daniel Hitchcock,
Patrick Wheeler, bisus, desodeso, Swos, Don Zaucker, Tox Nox Fox, Zak0077, giuppo, Moket, Frankie, robindan77, biasini, Dr_Zero,
motoschifo, Mameremember, John Wilke, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Berlioux Julien, Lior Aouate, The Dumping Union]
Mattel Dalla$ (J.R. handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Mattel Thoroughbred Horse Race Analyzer [hap, Sean Riddle]
Motorola MC68705P5 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Poly-Play (ZRE-PP) [SailorSat]
Tiger 7 in 1 Sports Stadium [hap, Sean Riddle]
Atari PC1 [rfka01]
Dynamite Duke (Japan, 25JUL89) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6114-2/3/4, set 2) [Berger]
Fighting Fantasy (Japan revision ?) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (older) [NeoSD]
Motorola MC68705P3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Motorola MC68705R3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Motorola MC68705U3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Poly-Play (ZRE-PP - Czech) [SailorSat]
Research Machines RM-380Z, COS 3.4D [zx70]
Research Machines RM-380Z, COS 3.4E [zx70]
Robo Army (NGM-032 ~ NGH-032) [JacKc]
Saulabi Spirits / Jin Saulabi Tu Hon (Korean release of Samurai Shodown II, set 2) [JacKc]
Skull Fang (Asia) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Star Fighter (bootleg of Astro Fighter) [f205v]
mame0.182新模拟街机游戏 Machines promoted to working
Novag Diablo 68000 [hap]
Novag Super Expert (several versions) [hap, Berger]
Novag Super Forte (several versions) [hap, Berger]
Future Flash [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen, Tomasz Slanina]
Force SYS68K/CPU-20 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Otrona Attache [zx70]
Robo Army (NGM-032 ~ NGH-032) [JacKc]
Sky Robo [CAPS0ff, Angelo Salese]
Clones promoted to working
Laser Base (set 1) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen, Tomasz Slanina]
Laser Base (set 2) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen, Tomasz Slanina]
Tatakae! Big Fighter (Japan) [CAPS0ff, Angelo Salese]
Ator (Videodens) [AJR, Gonzalo]
Bloody Roller (Playbar) [AJR, Akiles500]
Compugraphic MCS PowerView 10 [Carl, Al Kossow]
Cobra (Playbar) [AJR, Iso Tropia]
Happy Fish (V2 PCB, 302-in-1) [The Dumping Union]
LINK RM-480Z (set 1) [Robbbert]
LINK RM-480Z (set 2) [Robbbert]
Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
miniFORCE VME Chassis [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Slalom Code 0.3 (Stargame) [AJR, Akiles500]
Eight Ball Champ (Spain, Z-Pinball hardware) [AJR, Iso Tropia]
MotorDome (German) [PinMAME]
Star Horse Progress (backup data) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw, ShouTime]
Star Horse Progress (live, Rev A) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw, ShouTime]
Star Horse Progress (main screens, Rev B) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw, ShouTime]
Star Horse Progress (sound & backup, Rev A) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw, ShouTime]
World Kicks (Japan, WK1 Ver.A) [rtw]
New WORKING software list additions
-archimedes.xml: over 30 games (some protected), and many apps [Nigel Barnes]
-atom_cass.xml: Backgammon, Cylon Attack, Early Warning, Minefield, Tangled [Nigel Barnes]
-atom_flop.xml: Galaxians (Aardvark) [Nigel Barnes]
-ibmpcjr_cart.xml: Fraction Fever [Anna Wu, Justin Kerk]
MS-DOS (Verson 3.20, Tandy version 03.20.21) (Tandy 1000 TX), DeskMate (Tandy 1000), DeskMate II (Tandy 3000), Personal DeskMate,
Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 HX), Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 HX, Alt), Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 TX),
King's Quest (Tandy), Transylvania (Tandy) [Justin Kerk]
198X-nen, 3D Golf Simulation, Fushigi no Kuni no Alice, Ankokujou, Danchizuma no Yuuwaku, Intelli Janshi - Yonin Mahjong,
Ultra Story, Xanadu [r09]
- 04907: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (combatsc.cpp) combatsc, combatscj, combatsct, bootcamp: Score line is not flipped with screen
(Angelo Salese)
- 05313: [DIP/Input] (namcos21.cpp) winrun, winrun91, winrungp,driveyes: Misplaced Controls (Angelo Salese)
- 05392: [Documentation] (royalmah.cpp) janputer: info about "New Double Bet Mahjong" (Angelo Salese)
- 06216: [Sound] (ptcsol.cpp) sol20: Audio support (Robbbert)
- 06422: [Graphics] (rohga.cpp) wolffang: (Japanese Wolf Fang Only) Text at attract mode is cropped (David Haywood)
- 06460: [Sound] (stlforce.cpp) stlforce: OKI6295 speed is too slow (system11)
- 06461: [DIP/Input] (pacman.cpp) eeekk: 2P Start Button map is missing (Tafoid)
- 06464: [Interface] Every system with softlists using the "requirement" sharedfeat: Software list items with the "requirement"
sharedfeat don't work (AJR)
- 06467: [Gameplay] (hh_tms1k.cpp) elecdet: Every suspect gives the same alibi. (hap)
- 06468: [DIP/Input] (gladiatr.cpp) gladiatr ogonsiro gcastle: Coinage DIP switches have no effect in sets using MCU simulation (Vas Crabb)
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