新街机模拟器mame 0.177发布
- 类别:模拟器
- 时间:2019-07-22
- 大小:1 Bytes
- 平台:安卓/win
特别提醒:优化了Namco NB1(枪林弹雨,异域战狐等),Namco ND1(NAMCO名作剧场系列),Namco System 11(铁拳1,铁拳2,丽舞之眼等)
说明: 安全下载是直接下载应用市场,用户下载后可自行搜索目标软件进行更高速,更安全的下载。
优化了Namco NB1(枪林弹雨,异域战狐等),Namco ND1(NAMCO名作剧场系列),Namco System 11(铁拳1,铁拳2,丽舞之眼等),Namco System 12(铁拳3,铁拳锦标赛,丽舞之眼等),Namco System 22(山脊赛车,化解危机等),Namco System 23声音。
模拟了Techno Drive,Golgo 13,Golgo 13 - Kiseki no Dandou
修复了B.Rap Boys死机的问题。
校准了Laser Ghost,Golgo 13,Golgo 13 - Kiseki no Dandou光枪控制,完美运行,大家喜爱。
mame 0.177发布模拟器地址(含BIOS,Devices):
由于mameplus,mameuifx,mewui不更新,而且0.172-0.176模拟器下载地址都失效了,恢复链接,mame 0.169-0.177的新支持游戏使用mame 0.177或以上版本运行。
mame 0.177 发布
mame 0.177新模拟支持的街机游戏 New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Alto-II [Juergen Buchmueller]
TeleNova Compis [Curt Coder]
Atari Portfolio [Curt Coder]
Victor 9000 [Curt Coder]
Wang Professional Computer [Curt Coder]
Vector 06c [MetalliC]
Intergirl [f205v]
神奇的蝴蝶 Magical Butterfly (version U350C, protected) [AJR]
河面巡逻队 River Patrol (Japan) [MASH]
魔幻驱动赛车 Techno Drive (Japan, TD/VER.B) [superctr]
Select-A-Game: Baseball 4 [hap, Kevin Horton]
Select-A-Game: Pinball [hap, Kevin Horton]
mame 0.177新模拟支持的克隆版街机游戏 New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Compis II [Curt Coder]
纽西兰童话美版旧版 The NewZealand Story (US, old version) (older PCB) [CoolMod, The Dumping Union]
变形战士AAA版 Metamorphic Force (ver AAA) [Abelardo Vidal]
Virtua Cop 3 (Rev B) [ShouTime, rtw]
石破天惊旧版 Air Gallet (older) [Artemio Urbina]
Super Hang-On (Hang-On conversion, Japan, FD1094 317-0039) [Charles MacDonald, ShouTime]
Deluxe 4 U (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000) [caius]
Dealer's Choice (E4A1) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
终结者2审判日德国版 Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LG1 11/04/91) [Bicycle Repairman]
OutRun 2 Special Tours (Japan) (Rev A) (GDX-0011A) [ShouTime, rtw]
Casino Five (3315-02, U5-2B) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 (Japan) (Rev A) [ShouTime, rtw]
快乐纸牌澳洲版 Jolly Card (Austrian, set 2) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Golden Tee '98 Tournament (v3.02) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
天蚕变S欧2版 Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe, set 2) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version H) [The Iron Goat]
海湾风暴韩版 Gulf Storm (Korea) [system11]
Champion Base Ball (Japan set 3) [Siftware, MASH]
Escape from Mars (bootleg of Lunar Rescue) [Siftware, MASH]
新零组特工队V33B版 New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware) [caius]
mame 0.177新添加但不能运行的街机游戏 New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
CMI IIx [Ryan Holtz]
Quest of D [f205v]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Card Builder
[any, f205v, ShouTime, soyandroid, rtw]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Card Builder Ver.2.02
[any, f205v, ShouTime, soyandroid, rtw]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Card Builder [f205v, soyandroid]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Card Builder Check Disk
[any, f205v, ShouTime, rtw]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Card Builder Ver.2.10
[any, f205v, ShouTime, soyandroid, rtw]
Ring & Ball (?) [Hammy]
The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (server) (Rev B)
[ShouTime, rtw]
The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (client) (Rev B)
[ShouTime, rtw]
Tandy/Memorex Video Information System MD-2500 [Carl, Sly DC]
Select-A-Game: Space Invader 2 [hap, Kevin Horton]
Unknown Inter Games poker [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Unknown Funworld A7-11 game 1 [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Unknown Funworld A0-1 game [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Multi Game I (unknown V2.4) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
mame 0.177新添加克隆版但不能运行的街机游戏 New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Jolly Joker (Apple Time) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Jungler (Subelectro, bootleg on Scramble hardware)
[Andrew Welburn]
Unknown Funworld A7-11 game 2 [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune (Japan) (Rev B) [ShouTime, rtw]
新街机模拟器修复的错误 MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 00550: [Graphics] (atarisy2.c) apb: There is a graphics problem with
your police car at the point you drive away from your starting
square. (crazyc)
- 01455: [DIP/Input] (segas18.c) lghost: Problem with crosshair (Pitou)
- 05584: [Gameplay] (konamigx.c) rungun2, slamdnk2: during run mame
produces several messages about unknown protection command (Tafoid)
- 05823: [Core] (coco12.c) -ramsize does nothing for emulation although
it does change the .ini file (Nathan Woods)
- 06185: [DIP/Input] LIGHTGUNS: Aimtrak Dual Lightguns no longer
properly detect (Pitou)
- 06269: [Debugger] DEBUGGER: Unable to use any valid cheats while
using debug (Ryan Holtz)
- 06292: [Crash/Freeze] (victor9k.c) victor9k [cpm86]: Freeze with
'cpm86' disk (Curt Coder)
- 06314: [Crash/Freeze] Fatal error - All sets using '-centronics p72'
slot/option (Ryan Holtz)
- 06315: [Crash/Freeze] Fatal error - All sets using c4023, c1526,
mps802 devices (Ryan Holtz)
- 06316: [Crash/Freeze] (pc1512.c) pc1512, pc1512dd, pc1512hd10: Use of
'ibm_mfc' slot option causes Fatal error (Ryan Holtz)
- 06317: [Crash/Freeze] (pc1512.c) pc1512, pc1512dd, pc1512hd10: Use of
'3c503' slot option causes Fatal error (Ryan Holtz)
- 06326: [Crash/Freeze] (megadriv.c) megadriv, 32x and clones, some
segac2.c sets: Selecting machine and game via softlist though
internal menu results exception/crash (Osso)
- 06328: [Crash/Freeze] Various ISA using machines: Crash/Exception at
Initialization (crazyc)
- 06330: [Crash/Freeze] (altos5.c) altos5: Crash/.Exception on
start (crazyc)
- 06331: [Crash/Freeze] (apollo.c) dn3500_19i, dsp3000, dsp3500,
dsp5500: Crash/Exception on start (Osso)
- 06332: [Graphics] (galaga.c) digdug and clones: Graphics from
Tilemap 0 are missing (Osso)
- 06335: [Interface] UI:: Input (general) selection menus do not
display correctly or at all (Vas Crabb)
- 06342: [Crash/Freeze] pc (pccga): System crashing while
loading (crazyc)
- 06343: [DIP/Input] (taito_l.c) plottingu: Coinage dipswitches are
labeled incorrectly. (Tafoid)
- 06349: [Gameplay] brapboys: MAME crashed when exiting
game (O. Galibert)
- 06352: [Crash/Freeze] (cps1.c) mbombrd, mbombrdj: Crash in
demonstration mode (Osso)
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