- 类别:模拟器
- 时间:2019-07-22
- 大小:1 Bytes
- 平台:安卓/win
最新街机模拟器MAME0 187发布下载街机模拟器MAME 0 187下载地址(含BIOS,Devices):http: yun baidu com s 1c152vja街机模拟器MAME 0 1
说明: 安全下载是直接下载应用市场,用户下载后可自行搜索目标软件进行更高速,更安全的下载。
街机模拟器MAME 0.187下载地址(含BIOS,Devices):http://yun.baidu.com/s/1c152vja
街机模拟器MAME 0.187备用下载地址
Game & Watch: Donkey Kong Jr. (new wide screen) [hap, Sean Riddle, Roger Coltrane]
Game & Watch: Mario Bros. [hap, Sean Riddle, incog]
Goupil G2 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
Jump Kun (prototype) [ShouTime]
Sel-Jan [BET] (Japan) [Angelo Salese, system11, The Dumping Union]
Victory (Comsoft) [Andrew Welburn, ArcadeHacker, David Haywood]
Waku Waku Ultraman Racing [ShouTime, gamerfan, Rod_Wod, MetalliC, Peter Wilhelmsen, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Bambino Classic Football [hap]
Burnin' Rubber (DECO Cassette) (Japan) [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Danger Track (Rally X bootleg) [Rafael Alonso, Ricky2001, Rockman, ArcadeHacker]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 9 (rev. B) [yoyo_chessboard]
Gingateikoku No Gyakushu (bootleg set 3) [Andrew Welburn, Craig Anstett, The Dumping Union]
Graplop (DECO Cassette) (Japan) [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Guerrilla War (Version 1, set 2) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
HP 9845B (Germany) [F.Ulivi, A.Kueckes]
HP 9845C (Germany) [F.Ulivi, A.Kueckes]
HP 9845T (Germany) [F.Ulivi, A.Kueckes]
Jack Potten's Poker (set 10, ICP-1 PCB) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
Lock'n'Chase (DECO Cassette) (Japan) [Charles MacDonald, wtc4ever, The Dumping Union]
Mach-9 (bootleg of Vulgus) [Marcos75, The Dumping Union]
Macross II (Korea) [CoolMod, CS, The Dumping Union]
Marchen Maze (Japan, hack?) [frsj8112, The Dumping Union]
Money Money (set 2) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Offensive (Spanish bootleg of Scramble) [Rafael Alonso, Ricky2001, Rockman, ArcadeHacker, Marcos75, The Dumping Union]
Operation Thunderbolt (Japan, SC) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Palamedes (US) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Pengo (set 5) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Power Instinct (USA, prototype) [ShouTime]
Pro Tennis (DECO Cassette) (Japan) [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Spectar (revision 2, bootleg) [Ricky2001]
Tehkan World Cup (set 4, earlier?) [Purity, The Dumping Union]
Time Killers (v1.32I) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Victory (Comsoft) (bootleg) [Josele Fernandez]
mame0.187新模拟街机游戏 Machines promoted to working
Goupil G1 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
Mattel Computer Gin [hap, Sean Riddle]
Clones promoted to working
Dragon 64 Plus [Nigel Barnes]
Treasure Island (DECO Cassette) (Region D) [David Haywood]
Big Deal Belgien (5.04) [Gerald (COY), Roberto Fresca]
Bel Slots Export (5.01) [Gerald (COY), Roberto Fresca]
D-CAT16 (Mega Drive handheld) [Team Europe]
Game & Watch: Mickey Mouse [hap, Igor]
Game Prince RS-1 [BeckieRGB]
Game Prince RS-16 [BeckieRGB]
HP9000/332 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
GRiD Compass 1101 [shattered]
GRiD Compass II 1121 [shattered]
Nokia D-box 1, Kirsch gruppe [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Percussion Freaks 5th Mix (G*B05 VER. KAA) [Guru, smf]
Pingu's Ice Block [Darksoft, MetalliC]
Player's Edge (PK1002-PC082) Jake's Jacks Bonus Poker [BrianT]
Quingo Export (5.00) [Gerald (COY), Roberto Fresca]
Ron II Mah-Jongg [system11, Angelo Salese, The Dumping Union]
Spirit of 76 [PinMAME]
V-Dog (prototype, earlier) [AttackedbyGlitch]
V-Smile Baby (US) [Sean Riddle]
VG Pocket Tablet [BeckieRGB]
Animal Basket (19 Jan 2005) [brizzo]
Black Knight 2000 (PF-1) [PinMAME]
Chrysler Electronic Voice Alert (24-function) [hap, Sean Riddle, David Viens]
E-Swat - Cyber Police (bootleg, set 2) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Ez2dancer 2nd Move [RetroRepair, Guru]
Forty-Love (Japan) [ShouTime]
GRiD Compass 1109 [shattered]
GRiD Compass II 1129 [shattered]
GRiD Compass II 1131 [shattered]
GRiD Compass II 1139 [shattered]
Motor Raid - Twin/DX [Bill D., The Dumping Union]
New Century (Spanish bootleg of Scramble) [Marcos75]
OutRun 2 Special Tours (Japan) (GDX-0011) [rtw]
The Bounty (set 2) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Treamcast [Maddog]
V-Smile (US) [Sean Riddle]
- 03041: [Graphics] (starshp1.cpp) starshp1, starshpp: Speed and graphics information from the real machine (Frank Palazzolo)
- 03585: [Gameplay] (norautp.cpp) norautp, norautjp: Readout Switch (AJR)
- 06479: [Sound] (kchamp.cpp) kchampvs, kchampvs2, karatevs: ADPCM samples are distorted (AJR)
- 06594: [Misc.] isa_ibm_mda: Typo on the "isa_ibm_mda" set description (Robbbert)
- 06599: [Sound] (zaxxon.cpp) ixion, razmataz: Missing sound (AJR)
- 06603: [Documentation] (odyssey2.cpp) jopac: In the description there are two useless spaces at the beginning (Tafoid)
- 06612: [Interface] (a7800.cpp) a7800.ccp: Machine inputs broken (Ivan Vangelista)
- 06614: [Sound] (arkanoid.cpp) arkanoid and clones, arkatour: Sound pitch is too high by 100% (Lord Nightmare)
- 06617: [Graphics] (nbmj9195.cpp) imekura: Graphic corruption in many places (Ivan Vangelista)
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