- 类别:国产模拟游戏
- 时间:2018-11-14
- 大小:1 MB
- 平台:安卓/win
太空战士经典版+模拟器10 1中秋国庆双节到了,这几天放几个国产模拟器游戏,大家乐呵乐呵如需密码请输入www mamecn com太空战士经典版来自
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10.1中秋国庆双节到了,这几天放几个国产模拟器游戏,大家乐呵乐呵如需密码请输入 m.mamecn.com
Now here's something new, and something that could have been great in the right hands - an attempted port of the Mega Drive game Barver Battle Saga: Taikong Zhanshi. Sadly this port is garbage, and I don't say that lightly.
It's developed by the same "Tian Cai Xiao Zi" team as a bunch of other dubious RPGs, but even by their standards it's a bit of a mess. AFAIK there was also a version published by Sintax with different graphics, which I don't have to hand right now, but I really hope it looks better than this version.
Oh and the music (all three tracks of it) seems to be stolen, bizarrely, from "Pocket Voice 2.0", a voice recorder cartridge by Bung; but one of the tracks was also used in ROM intros by the release group Paradox (where it's credited to "Blackbox"), so its true origins remain mysterious for now..
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