- 类别:益智游戏ROM
- 时间:2018-11-21
- 大小:32 Bytes
- 平台:安卓/win
超级库鲁超级库鲁Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon 199? Success街机模拟器支持益智类kurukuru zip街机游戏超级库鲁玩法说明:- Insert tokens (
说明: 安全下载是直接下载应用市场,用户下载后可自行搜索目标软件进行更高速,更安全的下载。
超级库鲁Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon 199? Success街机模拟器支持益智类kurukuru.zip街机游戏
- Insert tokens (medals)..
- You can bet to any (or all) of the following 5 characters: Bote, Oume, Pyoko, Kunio, and Pyon Pyon. Press start, and the reels start to roll. You'll win if you can get 3 of the choosen character(s) in a row, column or diagonal.
- The black tadpoles behave just like jokers... If you have 2 choosen characters in a row and the remaining one is a black tadpole, it will transform into another character to complete the 3 in a row, allowing you to win.
- Red tadpoles are a bonus. Once you get one, it will go to the right panel, revealing a number. This number represents the extra credits you won.
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